REFLECTIONS ON THE TERMINOLOGY OF "NECESSARILY NON-ANALYTIC INDUCTION PROOFS" ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Anders Lundstedt ( 2020-02-04 In my research project with the preliminary title "Necessarily non-analytic induction proofs" I investigate the phenomenon where some mathematical facts seem to not lend themselves to a "straightforward" induction proof. Sometimes it does not seem possible to prove a fact ∀x.φ(x) by induction with φ(x) as induction hypothesis. Instead what works is to prove some other fact ∀x.ψ(x) by induction (with ψ(x) as induction hypothesis), and ∀x.φ(x) then follows from ∀x.ψ(x). Typically this proof method is called something like "strengthening of the induction hypothesis". However, there need not always be any precise sense in which ψ(x) is stronger than φ(x). Thus a more general terminology is wanted. ∗∗ Hetzl and Wong (2017) have made precise sense of what it would mean that a fact cannot be proved by "straightforward induction". They proved that "inductive theorem proving requires non-analytic induction axioms", which can be phrased precisely as follows. An induction axiom φ(0)∧∀x(φ(x)→φ(x+1))→∀x.φ(x) is ∗non-analytic∗ for a sentence σ if φ(x) is not an instance of a subformula of σ. Then there are consequences PA ⊢ σ any derivation of which must make use of induction axioms that are non-analytic for σ. ∗∗ Based on the notions introduced by Hetzl and Wong, I have made the following definitions (Lundstedt, 2020). ∗∗ DEFINITIONS. ─ A first-order language is a ∗(first-order) language of arithmetic∗ if and only if it is an expansion of the language ⟨0,1,+⟩. ─ Let L be a language of arithmetic. ─ Let φ(x) be an L-formula in the free variable x. The ∗induction instance∗ for φ is the L-sentence IND(φ) :≡ φ(0)∧∀x(φ(x)→φ(x+1))→∀x.φ(x). ─ Let T be an L-theory and let φ(x) and ψ(x) be L-formulas in the free variable x. Say that ∗ψ(x) witnesses that T proves ∀x.φ(x) by necessarily non-analytic induction∗ if and only if (1) T,IND(φ) ⊬ ∀x.φ(x), (2) T ⊢ φ(0), (3) T ⊢ ψ(0), (4) T ⊢ ∀x: ψ(x)→ψ(x+1), (5) T ⊢ ∀x.ψ(x)→∀x.φ(x). ∗∗ As used here, there are at least two problems with the terminology "T proves ∀x.φ(x) by necessarily non-analytic induction": (P1) If (1)–(5) holds then T does not actually prove ∀x.φ(x)──rather it is T together with an appropriate induction axiom that prove ∀x.φ(x). Thus "T proves ∀x.φ(x) ..." is a bit misleading. (P2) It is possible to construct T, φ(x) and ψ(x) such that (1)–(5) holds while IND(ψ) is not non-analytic for ∀x.φ(x). Indeed, suppose we have: ψ(x) witnesses that T proves ∀x.φ(x) by necessarily non-analytic induction. Suppose we also have the following strengthening of (5): (5') T ⊢ ∀x: ψ(x)→φ(x). (See for example my summary of results (Lundstedt, 2020) for cases where (5') holds in addition to (1)–(5).) Then it is an easy exercise to verify that we have: ψ(x) witnesses that T proves ∀x: φ(x)∨ψ(x) by necessarily non-analytic induction. But ψ(x) is a subformula of φ(x)∨ψ(x) and thus IND(ψ) is not non-analytic for ∀x: φ(x)∨ψ(x). Thus we should not say that T proves ∀x: φ(x)∨ψ(x) by necessarily non-analytic induction. ∗∗ I think a good solution to (P2) would be to simply replace 'non-analytic' with 'non-straightforward'. For solving (P1) I could change the terminology to something like "T IND-proves ∀x.φ(x) ..." where IND-proves would mean that T proves ∀x.φ(x) in a first-order logic extended with an induction rule. Right now I do not know whether this would be a good solution. To avoid extra work I will keep the terminology as it is until I have solutions to both (P1) and (P2) that I am happy with. ∗∗ I will probably replace 'non-analytic' with 'non-straightforward'. But perhaps it would also make sense to keep an alternative version of the definition where we keep 'non-analytic' and replace (1) with (1') T,IND(β) ⊬ ∀x.φ(x) for all instances β(x) of subformulas of φ(x). ∗∗ OPEN QUESTION: Would there be any point in point in having such an alternative definition? Put differently, would there be any point in distinguishing between 'necessarily non-analytic' and the more general 'necessarily non-straightforward'? ∗∗ Another terminological problem concerns the title of the research project, even if changed to "Necessarily non-straightforward induction proofs". The problem is roughly that it is superfluous to call a non-straightforward induction proof 'necessarily non-straightforward'. On the most reasonable (at least in my opinion) literal reading, any non-straightforward induction proof is necessarily non-straightforward, since any straightforward induction proof of the same fact would be a different proof. ∗∗ I think the following radical change of terminology would solve all above problems. Simply call a consequence T ⊢ ∀x.φ(x) 'non-straightforward' if any derivation of it must make use of induction axioms other than IND(φ). (We could define 'non-analytic' consequences similarly.) A drawback with this solution is that 'non-straightforward consequence' is quite non-descriptive. ∗∗ References ────────── Hetzl, Stefan and Tin Lok Wong (2017): "Some observations on the logical foundations of inductive theorem proving", Logical Methods in Computer Science 13(4). Lundstedt, Anders (2020): "Necessarily non-analytic induction proofs──summary of some results", manuscript, version 2020-01-22,